Helis Brain Brand ecosostenibile

Here's how it works: For every order we receive, a formula is used to calculate estimated shipping emissions.

Based on those estimates, a portion of our revenue goes to carbon removal companies that have been vetted by Carbon Direct scientists.

These companies use that money to remove the amount of carbon created by our shipments. Any additional funds will be allocated to the further development of carbon removal technologies.

Helis Brain supports companies like Grassroots Carbon, which helps farmers capture carbon stored in the soil, and companies like Running Tide, which bring carbon-soaked kelp to the ocean floor.

our packaging

We have chosen to help the environment by using packaging made from recycled paper. In addition, the envelopes we use for shipping are made from recycled plastic. We care about the environment in which we live and we try in our small way to do more and more, and you?

Our eco-friendly products